Skype CGI
Version / Author / Date | Modify |
1.0/David/2013-03-30 | First edition |
Newly registered skype user
- Permissions requirements:
Administrative privileges
- Syntax:
/ Register_skype_user.cgi? Account_name = & account_pwd = & account_mail = [& user = & pwd = & session = & json = & jsonp_callback = & result =]
- Parameters:
User / pwd: Parameter authentication method required to login username / password session: Session authentication method required to Session ID json / jsonp_callback: return the json type of data set the account_name / account_pwd / account_mail: registered a new skype user information The result: the return of the corresponding variable name set.
- Returns:
Result: 0: successful operation; <0: The operation failed.
- Example:
Http:// @ & result = ret IP Camera Back: var ret = 0;
Get the current skype user's buddy list
- Permissions requirements:
Administrative privileges
- Syntax:
/ Get_skype_contacts_list.cgi [? User = & pwd = & session = & json = & jsonp_callback = & result = & contact =]
- Parameters:
User/pwd: Parameter authentication method required to login username/password session: Session authentication method required to Session ID json / jsonp_callback: return the json type of data set result / contact: set the variable name returned.
- Returns:
If the return js text result: <0: operation failed,> = 0: Find the number of friends contact: array variables, names of friends If you return a json text contact array
- Example:
Http:// IP Camera Back: var result = 3; var contact = new Array (); contact [0] = 'mike'; contact [1] = 'bob'; contact [2] = 'jack';
Find skype contacts
- Permissions requirements:
Administrative privileges
- Syntax:
/ Search_skype_contact.cgi? Keyword = [& user = & pwd = & session = & json = & jsonp_callback = & result = & contact =]
- Parameters:
User/pwd: Parameter authentication method required to login username/password session: Session authentication method required to Session ID json / jsonp_callback: return the json type of data set keyword: Find keywords result / contact: set the variable name returned.
- Returns:
Result: <0: The operation failed> = 0: Find the number of contacts contact: array variable, contact name
- Example:
Http:// @ IP Camera Back: var result = 2; var contact = new Array (); contact [0] = 'mike1'; contact [1] = 'mike2';
The skype Friends
- Permissions requirements:
Administrative privileges
- Syntax:
/ Add_skype_contact.cgi? Contact = [& user = & pwd = & session = & json = & jsonp_callback = & next_url =]
- Parameters:
User/pwd: Parameter authentication method required to login username/password session: Session authentication method required to Session ID json / jsonp_callback: return the json type of data set contact: the need to increase the buddy's name Back to page @ next_url: After the successful operation
- Returns:
[The text @ operating results or specified page@]
- Example:
Delete skype Friends
- Permissions requirements:
Administrative privileges
- Syntax:
/ Remove_skype_contact.cgi? Contact = [& user = & pwd = & session = & json = & jsonp_callback = & next_url =]
- Parameters:
User/pwd: Parameter authentication method required to login username/password session: Session authentication method required to Session ID json / jsonp_callback: return the json type of data set contact: Friends need to remove the name of the next_url: return to the page after the successful operation.
- Returns:
[The text @ operating results or specified page@]
- Example: