IP Camera Windows SDK manual V1.0
Version | Writer | Edit date | SDK Version | Edit explain |
1.0 | William | 2013-4-11 | SDK v0.4 or above | First version |
- ReeCam IP Camera Windows SDK is a dll library for user to develop client program on windows.
User could access and operate the IP cameras through by dvanced computer language programming with this library.
- Usually, to access and operate the camera, need follow the order below:
1. Calls init_rc_ipcam_lib function to initialize rc_ipcam library. 2. Calls new_camera function to register one or more camera handle. 3. Calls new_client function to register one or more client context for the camera. 4. To a camera,calls register_event set function to register the event which user care for. The library will notice the user by window message, thread message or callback function when some event occur. 5. Calls connect_camera function to connect camera. 6. Calls other function to access and operate camera after having connected it. 7. Calls disconnect function to disconnect the camera, and calls unregister_event set function to release the event which is resigtered before. At the last, Calls delete_client and delete_camera function to release client context and camera. 8. calls deinit_rc_ipcam_lib function after finishing to user the library to release it.